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This research is motivated by the problems that often arise in the community in technology-based lending and borrowing money, namely there are still many violations of the law in technology-based lending and borrowing agreements, among others, namely the existence of defaults committed by debtors and dispute resolution in billing which is not done according to the rules because carried out by means of intimidation and access to personal contacts to disseminate loan data and problems with legal remedies that can be taken by parties who experience losses due to misuse of funds by the Company's Board of Directors based on Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. This research was conducted through the normative juridical method with qualitative normative data analysis techniques. The results of the study indicate that legal remedies that can be taken by parties who experience losses due to misuse of funds by the Board of Directors are through litigation and non-litigation legal remedies. Litigation legal remedies consist of a request for a company examination and a Contentious Lawsuit. Meanwhile, non-litigation efforts are alternative dispute resolutions, namely through consultation, negotiation, mediation, conciliation and final assessment.
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