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Ni Made Risma Damayanthi
Komang Febrinayanti Dantes
Si Ngurah Ardhya
Muhamad Jodi Setianto


The border region in a country has a very strategic role for a country. The border region can be viewed from two different views, from the politics or geographic views. Politics of the politics that have meaningful where the state border gives an opportunity to the state to implement a principle of sovereignty that has individual properties. While the border region geographically has a meaning as an imaginary line on a surface of the earth that separates a country of one country with another country. The situation of the group of borders in groups is none other than the development of paradigm of development in Indonesia which is only limited to an appointment. Development inequality resulted in an unfair development of ability. This has led to the occurrence of various problems such as changes in the boundaries, smuggling goods and services, poverty in the region, as well as violations and crime of crisis (transnational crimes). The event, unknown by the government, both central or regions. However, political will and siding on the welfare of a population in a border area is very low, especially in remote areas. Development is indeed, but partial and unbelieved, so there is no fundamental change, and because of the condition of Indonesia's border region that does not develop, while development on the border is getting advanced. Region restrictions in a country, governed by the purpose of being a separator in the regional geography in both forms, social, and culture controlled by a country. Politically the limit of the state is a line of sovereignty consisting of land, ocean, including potential lies in the stomach of the earth, and space or air that is put to Hayat and Yani. The strategic, border country of border positions are struked by Starke, who argue that the border is one of the important advantages of a country and not just an imaginary line above the earth's surface, but is a line that separates one area with other areas.

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How to Cite
Ni Made Risma Damayanthi, Komang Febrinayanti Dantes, Si Ngurah Ardhya, & Muhamad Jodi Setianto. (2022). TINJAUAN TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN PERBATASAN MENURUT PERSPEKTIF HUKUM INTERNASIONAL. Jurnal Pacta Sunt Servanda, 3(2), 68-77. Retrieved from https://semnas-fmipa.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPSS/article/view/1415


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