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Eti Mul Erowati
Ikama Dewi Setia Triana


This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing trade law awareness and trademark registration in doing business for MSME actors. The approach method used in this study is a normative juridical approach. The juridical approach is an approach that uses legal principles and principles derived from written regulations. The written regulations in question are the provisions in laws and regulations which form the basis for responding to existing problems. Normative Approach is an approach that aims to clarify the situation by looking at existing laws and regulations and applicable legal provisions and also trying to examine the reality in practice that occurs in society. Efforts to increase legal awareness really need to be done so that people are moved to own a registered mark, so that production can be more advanced with a significant market expansion. This legal awareness is related to the lack of legal socialization, lack of knowledge and the condition of the legal culture of the community. Knowledge of how to acquire a brand and manufacture it can be done through socialization and various trainings. If the community has been given socialization frequently, it is hoped that legal knowledge will increase, a legal culture to protect the product itself will emerge, so that along with the increase in legal awareness, the number of registered marks will also increase. Communities must be equipped with the importance of marks for their businesses and how to manage their businesses so that they are always protected by the law, an understanding of good faith in registering marks and conducting their business.

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How to Cite
Eti Mul Erowati, & Ikama Dewi Setia Triana. (2023). KESADARAN HUKUM DAGANG DAN PENDAFTARAN MEREK DALAM BERBISNIS BAGI PELAKU UMKM. Jurnal Pacta Sunt Servanda, 4(1), 232-237. Retrieved from


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