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Gede Lancer Gagah Prawira Yasa


International law not only covers the relationship between states and states, but also regulates the rights and obligations of government and non-governmental institutions, international organizations, and individuals in international reach. In general, international law is defined as the set of regulations and provisions that are binding and regulate the relationship between states and other legal subjects in the life of the international community. The definition of international law given by legal experts is exposed and brierly, limited to the state as the sole perpetrator of the law and does not include any other legal subject. The subject of international law can be interpreted as the holder of rights and obligations according to international law, but moreover, the subject of international law also has the meaning of a procedural privilege holder to file claims in advance of international courts, and the owner of interests that have been established by the provisions of international law. International sources of law are formal and material legal sources. Formal legal sources establish what constitutes a law whereas material sources only indicate where the law can be found.

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How to Cite
Gede Lancer Gagah Prawira Yasa. (2022). MEMPELAJARI DAN MEMAHAMI POKOK-POKOK HUKUM INTERNASIONAL. Jurnal Pacta Sunt Servanda, 3(2), 42-52. Retrieved from