Isi Artikel Utama

Mutia Evi Kristhy
Arif Lukman Hakim
Erwin Widyawan
Cindy Claudia
Martha Renatha Limbong
Wismiati Sarvon
Lianata Lianata
Arianto Kapitan Laut
Disa Disa
Astuti Telaumbanua
Ahmad Fadilah Akbar
Gomgom Aldian
Jhosua Kristian Maranatha
Sri Wahyuni
Mariani Mariani
Wantoni Mahendra


Forest and land fires are natural disasters that greatly damage ecosystems, and Indonesia is no exception, where Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a lot of forest and peatland areas. Almost every year forest and land fires occur when entering the dry season, especially in the province of Central Kalimantan which has the characteristics of peat soil. One of the efforts to prevent and control forest and land fires is to conduct reforestation. As a form of community service, the author in the KKN (Real Work Course) activity carried out one of the work programs related to the socialization of forest and peatland fires. The writing of this article focuses on efforts to increase public awareness of the risk of forest and land fires with poster media through WhatsApp groups, Instagram, and YouTube. The method used is descriptive method. Therefore it is very important to raise awareness for the community, both from among children, adolescents, adults, and parents. If this is not done, sooner or later it will have an impact on various sectors, both the environment, food security, economic growth will experience a slowdown, and people will experience loss of income. With socialization through WhatsApp groups, Instagram, and YouTube media, people can have a new level of awareness and insight on the importance of protecting forests and land.

Rincian Artikel

Evi Kristhy, M., Lukman Hakim, A., Widyawan, E., Claudia, C., Renatha Limbong, M., Sarvon, W., Lianata, L., Kapitan Laut, A., Disa, D., Telaumbanua, A., Fadilah Akbar, A., Aldian, G., Kristian Maranatha, J., Wahyuni, S., Mariani, M., & Mahendra, W. (2021). MENINGKATNYA KESADARAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN GAMBUT SETIAP TAHUNNYA. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS, 2(2), 82-91. Diambil dari


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