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During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued a policy to implement online learning. This, of course, causes many problems in universities, one of which is a decrease in the expected competency targets due to the application of monotonous online learning methods. In order to overcome these problems, researchers as lecturers tried to apply an innovative flipped learning model in online learning for statistics courses. This course was chosen as the object of research, because it is often used in completing student thesis, especially in determining the population and sample when distributing questionnaires, the material is quite abstract because it must be supported by examples in everyday life, and the learning implementation plan has not adjusted to the system. online learning. However, to support the implementation of learning methods, especially lipped learning, a special learning device is needed. This research is a development research that aims to produce a product in the form of a lipped learning learning device in statistics course using the ADDIE model. Learning devices with flipped learning models have been successfully developed, and are valid based on expert testing.
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