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B. Lumoindong


Practicing bilingual languages has been a trend among students of all educational levels in  Indonesia. Bilingualism is one of the major programs designed at Universitas Klabat to improve the English proficiency level of all students. Through this program the students are required to speak to the campus community both in English and Indonesian national language. The goal of this research is to determine the Linguistics classes students’ perception on English-Indonesian bilingualism. It is qualitative research with phenomenological approach in describing the existing reality of the classroom and environmental situations. The data are collected through observation, documentation and interviews from 6 students of the 2 Linguistics classes. The results of the research show that practicing bilingual languages is a must among the Linguistics classes students. The reason is because being bilingual is considered very important so that it becomes priority program of Universitas Klabat. The study found the seriousness of students to speak in English, and the willingness of the linguistics classes teachers and parents to support and motivate the students. To be able to speak bilingually, students are encouraged to practice  every day in the classes, campus environment, and home.

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