Jurnal Widya Citra 2023-02-01T02:09:58+08:00 Ketut Sedana Arta Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Widya Citra merupakan jurnal pengembangan materi dan pendidikan sejarah diterbitkan dua kali setahun (Maret dan September) yang memuat berbagai aspek pengembangan materi dan pendidikan sejarah dari : hasil penelitian, naskah konseptual/opini, resensi buku, dan info lain yang berkaitan dengan sejarah. Jurnal Widya Citra (JUWITRA) diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, Jurusan Sejarah, Sosiologi dan Perpustakaan, Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja. <a href=";1576653523&amp;1&amp;&amp;">P-ISSN : 2721-639X</a> ; <a href=";1587437984&amp;1&amp;&amp;">E-ISSN 2722-8320</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> NAGA DI KANDANG BARONG : KEDERMAWANAN SOSIAL MELALUI PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL MEGANGSINGAN PADA KOMUNITAS TIONGHOA DI PUPUAN, TABANAN, BALI. 2023-02-01T02:09:44+08:00 I Wayan Suartika I Made David Krisna Utama Putra I Wayan Arya Mahendra <p><em>This study examines social generosity through traditional megangsingan games in Pupuan village, Tabanan Bali. The two ethnic groups involved in this study, namely the Balinese and the Chinese, live side by side in harmony in various actualizations of social life such as education, politics, economy, and socio-culture. The arrival of ethnic Chinese to this village since the beginning of the nineteenth century cannot be separated from efforts to build an economic and cultural base which in the end resulted in cultural interaction with ethnic Balinese who had already settled in the village. Megangsingan is a form of local wisdom that arises from the response to the happiness of the farming community when the harvest season arrives. They, ethnic Balinese and ethnic Chinese want the actualization of that happiness. This traditional game then became a social space that brought together not only the interests of the Balinese ethnic economic deficit, but also the political deficits of the ethnic Chinese from various social strata. From the study of this game, the actualization of social generosity between these two ethnicities can be studied.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2023-02-01T01:20:35+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Widya Citra ARTEFAK SOSIAL SYARIF ABDULAH AL-QODRY DI DESA LOLOAN, JEMBRANA, BALI 2023-02-01T02:09:47+08:00 M. Fathurrahim Alviansyah <p><em>This study aims to unravel the social artifacts of the Islamic figure Syarif Abdulah Al-Qodry in Loloan Jembrana village, Bali. The two artifacts are related to his political efforts to find allies when the Pontianak kingdom was reported to have surrendered to the Dutch. As a knight who highly respected self-respect, he migrated to other areas where Dutch influence was not too strong. While wandering, do not forget to also do Islamic da'wah. The Kingdom of Jembrana as a representation of the western part of Bali became an option. He not only allied himself with the Jembrana kingdom in order to continue to exist playing a political role in the Bali and Nusa Tenggara arena, but also helped the Jembrana Kingdom from penetration from fellow Balinese kingdoms, namely the Buleleng Kingdom and the Mengwi Kingdom. The research method used is a historical research method consisting of, Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. The results showed that: Syarif Abdullah Al-Qodry was one of the commanders of the Pontianak Sultanate who was disappointed with the agreement between the Sultan of Pontianak and the Dutch in 1779 which then made him and his fleet leave the territory of the Sultanate of Pontianak and finally anchored in the territory of the Kingdom of Jembrana. After Syarif Abdullah Al-Qodry was allowed to settle in the Kingdom of Jembrana, he created a Muslim </em><em>village called Loloan, besides that, Syarif Abdullah Al-Qodry also carried out Islamic teachings with a Ulama from Banyuwangi named Sheikh Bauzir through medicine and art.</em></p> 2023-02-01T01:34:17+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Widya Citra DARI SEKOLAH GURU KEPANDAIAN PUTRI SAMPAI SMK NEGERI 2 SINGARAJA 2023-02-01T02:09:51+08:00 Gloria Ageng Nirmala Jamlean <p><em>This study aims to determine (1) the history and development of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja starting from SGKP (Sekolah Guru Kepandaian Putri) to become SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja, (2) The education system that developed at SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja in the curriculum from SGKP to SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja.&nbsp; This research is a historical research using qualitative research methods with the steps (1) Source Collection Techniques conducted through Observation, Interview, Documentation Study, (2) Source Criticism (External Criticism and Internal Criticism), (3) Interpretation (Data Analysis)&nbsp; ), (4) Historiography (Historical Writing).&nbsp; The results showed that (1) SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja is a school that has a long history.&nbsp; The establishment is quite strategic.&nbsp; The establishment of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja was motivated by development factors.&nbsp; The development of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja is very rapid so that it makes it an independent school which was originally from SGKP (School for Women's Intelligence Teachers) to become SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja.</em></p> 2023-02-01T01:46:48+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Widya Citra JEJAK MULTIKULTURALISME PADA KUBURAN KRAMA TAMIU DI SETRA BADUNG BALI 2023-02-01T02:09:53+08:00 Ni Wayan Fany Juniasih <p><em>Multiculturalism as a system of ideas that are actualized in social life can ideally be seen in the practice of living communities. Then what if it is related to the grave as a final resting place?. how is it? This study aims to explain the traces of multiculturalism in the krama tamiu graves in the Badung Bali setra. The research method used is the historical research method including: (1) Data Collection Techniques (Heuristics), (2) Source Criticism (3) Interpretation (4) Historiography (Principles of Historical Writing). The results showed that the Badung setra was built in 1813. At that time, not only the indigenous people or Krama Desa Adat were buried there but there were also immigrant communities namely Krama Tamiu (Hindu immigrants but not members of the Pakraman Village) and there were also local people Tamiu (Non-Hindu immigrants and definitely not a member of Pakraman Village). The Badung Setra consists of three pages, namely Main Mandala (Ulun Setra), Madya Mandala (Ragan Setra), Nista Mandala (Cokor Setra).</em></p> 2023-02-01T01:57:49+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Widya Citra MEMBEDAH MITOLOGISASI PURA DALEM PADANG BULIA MELALUI LONTAR SANGA NENEN TENGEK NIYA 2023-02-01T02:09:56+08:00 Kadek Sariasih <p><em>So far, the lontar is considered less credible as a historical source. The reason is too many myths that make no sense. The research will parse lontar Sanga Nenen Tengek Niya to dissect the mythological nuances of Pura Dalem Padang Bulia. The research method used is the historical research method including: (1) Data collection (heuristic) by observation, interview, and document study. (2) Source Criticism. (3) Interpretation and (4) Historiography. The results of the study through the study of lontars show that there is a strong historical nuance to the mythologicalization of Pura Dalem Padang Bulia or also called Pura Siwa Sila Gatra which has a close relationship with the conquest of Tamblingan by Majapahit which made the people of Tamblingan migrate to various regions. The structure of the Siwa Sila Gatra Temple using the concept of a dual mandala, namely offal and jaba side shows a strong influence from the Majapahit Kingdom.</em></p> 2023-02-01T02:08:44+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Widya Citra