The Effect of Cognitive Behavioristic Counseling With Modeling Techniques on Students' Self-Confidence and Learning Discipline Viewed from Family Socio-Economic Status

  • Ni Made Cantiari Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Keywords: CBT, self-confidence, learning discipline, socio-economic status


This study aims to investigate the effect of cognitive behavioristic counseling with modeling techniques on students' self-confidence and learning discipline viewed from family socio-economic status. This study was a quantitative study followed by 54 students in Singaraja, Bali. Through experiment design, this study found that students in experiment group showed better self-confidence (M=3.22 SD=.139) compared to those in control group (M=2.96 SD=.174). It also happens in learning discipline. Students’ score of learning discipline in experiment group (M=3.27 SD=.257) is higher than control group (M=3.07 SD=.221). This indicates that there is a significant influence of cognitive behavioristic counseling with modeling techniques on students' self-confidence viewed from family socio-economic status. For the learning discipline variable, the sig. value was .028 which is also indication that that there is a significant influence of cognitive behavioristic counseling with modeling techniques on students' learning discipline viewed from family socio-economic status. The results of the multivariate also confirm a significance figure = 0.006 with an F-Wilk's Lambda value = .815 indicating a simultaneous significant influence of cognitive behavioristic counseling with modeling techniques on students' self-confidence and learning discipline viewed from family socio-economic status.


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How to Cite
Cantiari, N. M. (2024). The Effect of Cognitive Behavioristic Counseling With Modeling Techniques on Students’ Self-Confidence and Learning Discipline Viewed from Family Socio-Economic Status. Indonesian Journal of Educational Inquiry , 1(2), 32-39. Retrieved from