The Impact of Spiritual Leadership on Nurses' Performance and Work Discipline in the Post-Pandemic Era

  • Made Ani Suprapta Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Keywords: nurse, spiritual leadership, performance, discipline


The present study aimed to explore the impact of spiritual leadership on nurses' performance and work discipline in the post-pandemic context. To achieve this, the research utilized an experimental design. The study focused on nurses working in regional hospitals in Bali, specifically in the Emergency Department. Using purposive sampling, a total of 160 nurses from seven different hospitals were selected to participate in the study. Data were gathered through questionnaires, which were then analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The findings indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the mean scores between the pretest and posttest, with a p-value of less than .05. This suggests that spiritual leadership had a notable and positive effect on improving nurses' performance and work discipline.


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How to Cite
Suprapta, M. A. (2024). The Impact of Spiritual Leadership on Nurses’ Performance and Work Discipline in the Post-Pandemic Era. Indonesian Journal of Educational Inquiry , 1(2), 11-17. Retrieved from