Ganesha Civic Education Journal <p style="text-align: justify;">Welcome to the official website of <strong>GANESHA CIVIC EDUCATION JOURNAL</strong>, source of references for civic education academicians and practitioners.&nbsp;<strong>GANESHA CIVIC EDUCATION JOURNAL</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of civic education. The published articles are the results of original scientific research and review of legal interactions. <strong>GANESHA CIVIC EDUCATION JOURNAL</strong>&nbsp;is published by Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja. <strong>GANESHA CIVIC EDUCATION JOURNAL</strong> accepts any manuscripts or articles in the field of civic education, social scences, law, etc from both national and international academicians and researchers.&nbsp;<strong>GANESHA CIVIC EDUCATION JOURNAL</strong> is published two times a year (in April and September).&nbsp;<strong>P-ISSN</strong> : 2714-7967&nbsp;<strong>E-ISSN</strong> : 2722-8304</p> en-US (Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M) (I Putu Windu Mertha Sujana, S.Pd., M.Pd.) Tue, 24 Jan 2023 15:22:34 +0800 OJS 60 PELAKSANAAN PEMENUHAN HAK PENDIDIKAN DASAR DAN MENENGAH BERDASARKAN KETENTUAN THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS DI KAWASAN PERBATASANNEGARA DI PROVINSI KALIMANTAN BARATKALIMANTAN BARAT <p><em>This doctoral reseach on “The Implementation of the fulfilment of Elementary School According to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in the State Border Areas Between Indonesia and Malaysia in West Kalimantan Province” aims to find out relevance of state compliance toward international obligations contained therein in terms of law, policy, program, action and funds to overcome or to minimize emergence of “areas of unwilling to school” since Indonesia ratified the ICESCR in 2005. Furthermore, it also aims to reveal determinant factors for its effective fulfilment carried out by central as well as local governments. This research is a empirical normative legal research conducted through an extensive and in-depth analysis of relevance legal data, i.e. primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews and delivering in-depth list of questions directed to those who have authority in terms of planning, making and executing law, policy, programs, actions and funds for fulfilment of elementary school in the area. Secondary data were obtained through literature reviews on education as fundamental rights, state obligations under international human rights laws and other relevant international law. Analysis was conducted by identification and systematization of the data justifying their relevance roles, functions and contribution. While at the end, they were completed through in depth analysis of legal logic to sustain their correlation and attribution to the said indicators of availibility, accessibility, adaptability and acceptability enshrined in the ICESCR based on localities’ contexts and perspectives. This research reveals two conclusions. First, since 2005, the fulfilment of the primary education has been progressively fulfilled by introducing new laws, approaches and new concepts of increasing accessibility to basic or primary education’s infrastructures and incentives. However, these initiatives is still far more to go in accordance to the ICESCR objectively verified indicators of availibility, accessibility, adaptability and acceptability. Second, technical and geographical factors has played as determinant roles of reducing fulfilment of right to primary education on border areas of Sambas, Sintang, Sanggau, Kapuas Hulu, and Bengkayang. They formed areas of unwillingness to go to school even though government has introduced new legislations, policies, programs, actions and appropriate funds vertically and horizontally as realization of sovereignty as responsibility taken by central and local governments.</em></p> Endah Rantau Itasari Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING (IPO) PERUSAHAAN PERTAMBANGAN BATUBARA DAN HUKUM PASAR MODAL DI INDONESIA <p><em>The Capital Market is essentially a market that is not much different from Traditional markets that have been known so far, where there are traders, buyers, and also bargain price. Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets has outlined that the Capital Market has a strategic position in national economic development. The growth of a Capital Market is very depending on the performance of the securities company. To coordinate capital, technical support, and human resources in capital market development requires an effective leadership. Companies must cooperate closely to create a market that is able to provide various types of products and investment alternatives for the community. To develop the infrastructure for the securities industry requires substantial investment big. The investment depends on the economic benefits that can be earned by entrepreneurs. Factors that can reduce the investment amount that could be required to build infrastructure and reduce operating costs securities companies, will encourage the development of the Capital Market through improvement the survival of the Securities Company. This development can be achieved if these factors are also capable of producing services and alternatives safe investment and high quality especially in providing optimal service to investors so that its development later will greatly affect the interest of potential new investors who want to try investing in the Capital Market</em></p> Hartana Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 NILAI KEADILAN GANTI KERUGIAN PENCEMARAN MINYAK AKIBAT KECELAKAAN KAPAL TANKER DALAM SISTEM HUKUM INDONESIA <p><em>Indonesia's marine resources reaching an area of 3,11 million km2,, it makes the potential of the marine sector invaluable, particularly from its marine natural resource sector. The sea potentially fulfills the interests of sea transportation; for example, the transportation of tankers. The Indonesian sea is included in the seas with the dense traffic of tankers causing the risk of oil pollution due to tanker accidents. For example, the three cases of oil contamination caused by tanker accident occurred in the Cilacap Sea which is the largest oil refinery in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to find the value of justice for oil pollution losses due to tanker accidents considering that Indonesia has ratified the international convention of the civil liability of oil spill by tanker, CLC 1969 and its amendment of CLC 1992, along with its supplementary protocol. This research used the legal research method of empirical-normative (applied law research). The data used were in the form of secondary data, primary legal materials related to the value of ecosocial justice, the principles of tanker oil pollution compensation, national and international regulations, secondary legal materials in the form of publications of scientific papers, and tertiary legal materials in the form of dictionaries. The secondary legal materials were obtained through library study, and the primary legal materials were obtained through field research. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using deductive thinking with qualitative-explanative method to find truth based on the value or quality of the data. The international law principles (polluter pays principle, precautionary principle and strict liability) for oil tanker losses caused by tankers have been applied to the national legal system. However, in practice, they have not been applied ideally. The settlements of the compensation claims had not been resolved properly, and the relevant institutions had not implemented the principles accordingly. There were still overlapping authorities and the conflicts of authorities among the institutes in the period before 2015 prior to the establishment of the Coordinating Ministry of Marine Affairs. After the periodization of 2015 with the formation of the Coordinating Ministry of Marine Affairs, it is expected to resolve the loss of oil pollution as a result of tanker accidents using the right method of calculating the loss of natural resources (Contigent Analysis Method), taking into account the willingness to pay and the willingness to accept between the P &amp; I insurance and victims</em></p> Elly Kristiani Purwendah Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA TUMPANG TINDIH LAHAN ANTARA PT BIB DENGAN PEMEGANG SURAT KETERANGAN TANAH DI KABUPATEN TANAH BAMBU <p><em>The formulation of land and natural resources in a concise and philosophical substance is contained in Article 33 Paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which reads: Earth and air and the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the State and used for the greatest prosperity of the people . Land does not only have high economic value, but also philosophical, political, social and cultural values. It is not surprising that land is a special treasure that continuously triggers various complex and complicated social problems. In this study, the type of research used is library research. The option of resolving disputes through settlement/mediation has advantages when compared to litigation in front of a court which is not attractive in terms of time, cost, and thought/energy. In addition, the lack of trust in court settlement and the administrative constraints that surround it, make the court the last resort for dispute resolution. Mediation gives parties a feeling of comfortable position and attempts to buy the final result of the agreement reached by mutual agreement without pressure and coercion</em></p> Hartana Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI DALAM MENDUKUNG PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN GOOD GOVERNANCE <p><em>Despite Indonesia's various efforts to eradicate corruption, the problem of corruption remains at a very concerning level. To achieve a more comprehensive eradication of corruption, one of the efforts involves educational institutions. Examining the effectiveness of anti-corruption education in reducing corrupt conduct in order to create good governance in Indonesia is the goal of this study. In this regard, what is of concern in the education sector, particularly anti-corruption. The application of anti-corruption must be an important initial step in people's lives if future development is to be sustainable in accordance with laws and regulations.</em></p> Komang Gede Agus Mahardika Putra Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI SEBAGAI STRATEGI DALAM PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA ANTI KORUPSI PADA GENERASI MUDA DI INDONESIA <p><em>Prevention of corruption crimes by using educational facilities based on anti-corruption is a form of effort to prevent corrupt behavior with anti-corruption values contain ed in anti-corruption education.&nbsp; The problem, regarding corruption which has become a habit in the bureaucracy in Indonesia, is a challenge in itself in eradicating it. Anti-corruption education in developing an anti-corruption culture with anti-corruptive values </em><em>​​</em><em>can be a strategy towards an Indonesia that rises from the level of corruption that has plagued Indonesia for a long time. This study uses a research method based on normative legal research by taking a literature approach in the form of legislation as well as related legal literature. From this research that development of culture based on anti-corruption in younger generation in an effort to fight against corruption as an old disease of Indonesian Nation.&nbsp; </em></p> I Komang Sri Cahyadi Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 KESADARAN GENERASI MUDA DALAM MEWUJUDKAN TINDAKAN ANTI KORUPSI SEBAGAI AGENT PERUBAHAN UNTUK INDONESIA LEBIH MAJU <p><em>Generation in realizing anti-corruption actions as agents of change for a more advanced Indonesia, where the role of the younger generation is very influential for the life of the nation for the future with actions starting from an early age where problems related to corruption in Indonesia may still be difficult. to be eliminated among the current generation where corruption has become a very common phenomenon among the people, with the younger generation taking the first steps to form anti-corruption actions based on Pancasila, they can become one of the next generations of the nation who are very anti-corruption and awareness law that remains within each of us, the research method used in writing this article is an empirical research method by collecting data through daily behavior and direct actions among marketed people, by prioritizing the younger generation to changing bad habits to be clean for example clean from ingrained corruption, based on young people who are highly insightful, honest, courageous, critical, caring, optimistic and resilient in the problems that exist in Indonesia, for example corruption.</em></p> Alifiyanto Wibowo Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENYADARAN GENERASI MUDA TERHADAP PERILAKU ANTIKORUPSI MELALUI PENDIDIKAN ANTIKORUPSI <p><em>Education in fostering anti corruption behavior in 2016, based on the findings of a study of law students at Ganesha University's Faculty of Law. In a broader sense, it's about the importance of anti-corruption education in raising young people's level of legal literacy and empowering them to play a part in addressing the problem of corruption in Indonesia. This study employs an empirical strategy grounded in factual and conceptual approaches, and is presented in an analytical and descriptive format. As a result of this study, young people are better informed about corruption, its manifestations, and how to combat it. The only thing lacking is the information and will to combat corruption. This suggests that there is a generational gap in terms of young people's ability to recognize the need to foster an anti-corruption culture within themselves, leading to the inevitable conclusion be done.</em></p> Betari Anggi Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 URGENSI PENDIDIKAN ANTIKORUPSI UNTUK HADIR SEBAGAI MATAKULIAH WAJIB BAGI MAHASISWA <p><em>As an effort to overcome and overcome corruption in Indonesia, of course it is not enough just to handle it through legal action against the corrupt perpetrators of the corruption crime. It should be noted that almost every line of life in this nation has acts of corruption which make our country seem to have cultivated corruption as a habit. This of course must be overcome through improving Indonesia's human resources, and the right way to fix this is through anti-corruption education to form anti-corruptive character in each individual. The next generation of the nation must break this culture of corruption and they need to be prepared to deal with acts of corruption that still exist after they take the nation's leadership relay so they are not tempted to corruption but to fight corruption itself. Character and values that are strong and based on Pancasila are the key to inculcating morals that must be owned by everyone, especially students who are the closest intellectual generation that will continue the sustainability of this nation. So it is important to organize anti-corruption education on every campus to become a mandatory subject that must be taken to lead to a generation that is not pro against all forms of corruption.</em></p> Wayan M. Aziz Afifi Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 KONSEP DAN GAGASAN PELAKSANAAN PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI BAGI ANAK PENCIPTA GENERASI BEBAS KORUPSI <p><em>In Indonesia, corruption is a national crime. Just think about the damage that could be done to Indonesia in the future if corruption there is allowed to fester until it becomes uncontrollable. If we care about the country's future, we must invest in our children's education, and that includes teaching them to resist the temptation to engage in corrupt behavior. The anti-corruption curriculum teaches young people that corruption is harmful to everyone and that it spreads like a virus through a society. Please elaborate on the idea of anti-corruption education as it is presented in the classroom. It is imperative that this educational idea come from the various institutions that work with children, including the administration. The idea proposed by the author is to hold anti-corruption training for children from the beginning of education to the end of their education, besides that the government intends to provide anti-corruption training and support services to teachers.</em></p> Albert Andre Saturnus Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN ANTIKORUPSI SEBAGAI MATA KULIAH DI KAMPUS <p><em>The eradicating corruption to its roots can't only be done through taking action and punishing corruptors as fairly as possible. This is because corruption exists as a hereditary inheritance which causes it to be born as a bad culture of the nation. Bad culture can be trimmed through education. Education was born as a tool to form human hard skills or soft skills. So to cut this culture, anti-corruption education is needed to show techniques to students so that students are able to clearly understand the problems of corruption that occur. This article explains anti-corruption education and to understand how this education is given to students as an effort to eradicate corruption. Efforts to provide insight can be through various ways, namely socialization, campaigns, seminars, and lectures. Anti-corruption education aims to transfer knowledge about Pancasila values that are not pro-corruptive culture. The goal of sustainability of this anti-corruption education is to foster a community spirit that is far from corrupt actions so that it encourages national development which starts here with education for students as the successors of the nearest nation who are able to continue the baton of the next nation's leadership which is far from a culture of corruption.</em></p> Ni Wayan Intan Widyantari Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 PENANAMAN BUDAYA ANTIKORUPTIF DI KAMPUS MELALUI PENDIDIKAN ANTIKORUPSI <p><em>Efforts to eliminate corruption in Indonesia require treatment that goes beyond mere prosecution by law enforcers. Efforts to tackle and deal with corruption must be accompanied by a determination to stop it at its roots so that it cannot regenerate anymore, and this can be achieved through education. Students as educated human beings become a driving force from an intellectual point of view, they must become agents of change. In order to be able to be active in their role in stopping this culture of corruption, students need debriefing, namely sufficient insight to know the insides of corruption and how to stop it. Anti-corruption education actually needs to demonstrate techniques to students so that students are able to clearly understand the problems of corruption that occur. This article explains anti-corruption education and to understand how this education is given to students as an effort to eradicate corruption. Efforts to provide insight can be through various ways, namely socialization, campaigns, seminars, and lectures. Anti-corruption education aims to transfer knowledge about Pancasila values that are not pro against corrupt culture. The goal of sustainability of this anti-corruption education is to foster a community spirit that is far from corrupt actions so that it encourages national development which starts here with education for students as the successors of the nearest nation who are able to continue the baton of the next nation's leadership which is far from a culture of corruption.</em></p> Luh Puji Astiti Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 URGENSI PENYELENGGARAAN PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI PADA SETIAP JENJANG PENDIDIKAN BERDASARKAN UU NOMOR 30 TAHUN 2002 <p><em>Anti-corruption education is a process of introducing and teaching knowledge about corruption through formal education to create anti-corruption attitudes and habits. It is known that the reason for holding anti-corruption education is because of the increasingly widespread cases of corruption that have occurred in Indonesia and have targeted many groups, both public officials and students. Therefore, it is important to organize anti-corruption education, especially at every level of education. The aim is to form an anti-corruption character as possible among students as an effort to prevent corruption. Based on the explanation of the issues discussed, the results of this research can be presented, namely: First, anti-corruption education is important to be held as an effort to prevent corruption. Second, organizers of anti-corruption education can be held at any elaboration of education according to the provisions of Law no. 30 of 2002. Third, anti-corruption education providers are considered to be more effective in building awareness and an anti-licensing culture towards corruption.</em></p> Vivi Sandra Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 MEWUJUDKAN BUDAYA ANTI KORUPSI DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA MELALUI KONSEP PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI DI PERGURUAN TINGGI <p><em>More and more people are aware of the problem of corruption in Indonesia, and it has become a serious crime that is difficult to appease and generates widespread anger among the people. When anti-corruption efforts don't go as smoothly as they could, the responsibility for solving the problem is left to those who want to work to fix it. However, as the next generation of leaders, we can also help the government deal with this situation. The purpose of this research is to study how anti-corruption education is implemented in universities. The method used in this article is library research, namely reading and comparing various literary works using various library sources such as books, academic journals, encyclopedias, and others. The implementation of this vision, however, cannot be separated from the dissemination of the anti-corruption education curriculum in high schools and tertiary institutions, as well as the role of students in fighting corruption in Indonesia.</em></p> Ayu Made Evy Sephia Lestari Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 TINJAUAN UMUM TENTANG KRIMINOLOGI, KENAKALAN ANAK, BALAPAN LIAR DAN PENANGGULANGAN KENAKALAN <p><em>Overcoming illegal racing through penal means is one of the functionalizations of penal policy, especially at the application stage (judicative policy) carried out by law enforcement officials, one of which is the police. Efforts to tackle illegal racing in Singaraja City through penal facilities focus more on the repressive nature after illegal racing occurs which is an effort to prosecute and enforce the law against perpetrators of illegal racing in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Through Non-Penal Means Efforts to deal with illegal racing through non-penal means are more focused on the nature of prevention before wild racing occurs, namely through pre-emptive efforts and preventive efforts. The implementation of these pre-emptive and preventive efforts is based on the Obedient and Sympathetic Operation Plan (RENOPS) of the Buleleng Police. RENOPS Compliance and Sympathy of the Buleleng Police is carried out by prioritizing pre-emptive activities through traffic education and counseling, and preventive actions through regulation, guarding, escorts and traffic patrols to prevent activities that disturb Traffic Traffic Traffic, one of which is illegal racing.</em></p> Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800 NON-FUNGIBLE TOKEN (NFT) SEBAGAI ASET DIGITAL: SEBUAH FENOMENA DAN PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL DI INDONESIA <p><em>Non-Fungible Token (NFT) has recently become a social phenomenon as a new form of digital asset that is currently popular. In Indonesia itself, the development of NFT is fast in line with the development of the industry at the global level. Along with the more open and increasing understanding of block-chain, cryptocurrency trading or cryptocurrencies, as well as technological infrastructure that is increasingly supporting. The basic technical composition of the NFT is closely related to protecting the work from manipulation, duplication and reproduction. NFT technology is still very new and therefore, much of the scope of NFT is still unclear in terms of legal regulations in Indonesia. In terms of Intellectual Property, this study aims to determine the basic understanding of NFT and the Legal Protection of an NFT digital asset for creators, sellers and buyers. This article can also provide insight about NFT to the wider community so that they can read opportunities but can avoid the problem of copyright infringement and damage the concept of ownership in a work of art.</em></p> Emmy Febriani Thalib, Ni Putu Suci Meinarni Copyright (c) Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0800